Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How do I tell my bf what I want in our relationship?

so my boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 7 months and I love him and he says he loves me all the time and I really believe he does. But lately I've been noticing that Im not really happy with our relationship. He's really obsessed with sports and lately it just seems that all we veer do when we're together is watch sports and when we're not he's always on his computer checking sports, etc. and I try to get into things that he is into (i.e. watching sports, going out with him and his friends, watching movies he likes, listening to his music, etc) but he never does any of that for stuff that I like. I don't want to sound selfish but I am a girl and would like to do things I want to do sometimes. We've been dating for longer than half a year and he's never asked me to go to dinner or a movie or anything. He tells me all the time that he wants to take me to dinner or make me dinner or go places and do things but nothing ever happens and I dont want to like break up with him because I really do love him and I want to be with him but I would like our relationship to change a little. How should I tell him how I feel?

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